Different Types Of Large Flowers With Names

Different Types Of Large Flowers With Names

Do you need some information on large flower names? Some large flowers are used for weddings and bouquets. Fact Because there are a thousand flowers in the world, you can expect to see a variety of not only shapes, colors, and scents but also sizes. People like big and large things because the impact will always be greater and better most of the time. The same applies to flowers. The bigger they are the more interesting they look. We list here the most breathtakingly large flowers on earth.


Actually, dahlia comes in a variety of sizes. You can find them in almost all sizes. It ranges from 1 to 6 feet in height. Dinner plate dahlias are the biggest species that can actually reach a height of 12 inches in diameter.

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These flowers are known to be massive and unapologetically boast magnificent blooms which can reach a height of 6 feet. In fact, the foliage is as massive as the flower. The leaves also showcase interesting colors that range from yellow-green to deep green, and deep red or bronze. The clustered flower is made of 6 feet individual blooms.

Hardy Hibiscus

This is a wildflower of the US, but there are hybridized versions that can be as long as 12 inches in diameter. You will find it a lot in summer for this flower loves to be under full sun.

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You can find this flower reach a height of 30 inches tall as it grows. There are a variety of hues available. In each stalk, there are commonly 3 to 4 blossoms that commonly go 6 inches in width.


Sunflowers are known to grow in all sizes. For the larger ones, American Giant, Skyscraper, and Mammoth sunflowers are popular. The flower can get as big as 3 feet in diameter while the stalk can reach a height of 20 feet.

Star Of Persia

This one belongs to the Allium family. The flower got clustered heads, which can grow 10 to 12 inches in diameter. It boasts several purple shades. The flower uniquely exudes the onion smell which is very unique.

Passion Flower

You can find the bloom of this flower grow more than 6 inches across. It is a very easy plant to grow and very low maintenance when the roots are strongly built.


Coming in vibrant colors like pink, purple as well as white, this flower can produce a 3 to 12-inch bloom.


You can never ignore this flower not only for its beautiful shape and color but also for its breathtaking size it that can go 12 inches in diameter.

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This flower is found from July until October. It comes in colors like white, purple, and red on its bloom that can grow 5 to 7 inches in diameter.

The Corpse Flower

This flower is native to Indonesia, where it is called Titan arum. It obtains the name because of its unpleasing smell which is similar to the scent of a corpse. It can grow from 7 to 12 feet tall. It commonly weighs more than 150 pounds in weight.

Giant Hogweed

This dangerous flower resembles an umbrella. The inflorescence flower can grow more than 2 feet in width and the stem can reach a height of 15 feet tall stems. It is found along rivers and streams near Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

Rafflesia Arnoldii

This flower is found in Indonesian rainforests. It is one of an endangered genus of flowers and is considered the largest flower in the world since it can grow up to 3 feet across. The five petals are large and the center got smelly stamen.